bound4blue talks about GREENing the BLUE project on the radio!

Link to hear the interview:
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Description of the Work Package:
Task 3.1: Testing programme definition and baseline determination.
Task 3.2: Performance evaluation of ultralight fabric covering system.
Task 3.3: Wingsail-assisted vessel performance evaluation (fuel and emission savings) and definition of standarisation and measurement procedures for future integrations.
D.3.1: Wingsail-assisted vessel performance evaluation report (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
Description of the Work Package:
Task 1.1: Wingsail assisted vessel custom-made configuration selection and approval of vessel’s reconversion by Spanish Authorities.
Task 1.2: Wingsail skin adaptation based on ultralight fabric covering systems
Task 1.3: Wingsail system custom made adaptation and design approval phase with Classification Society
Task 1.4: Wingsail monitoring and control system scale-up
D.1.1: Detailed custom- made adaptation of the wingsail-assisted vessel report
Description of the Work Package:
Task 4.1: Protocolised turn-key procedure for full-scale market introduction.
Task 4.2: Review and update of project financials and analysis of potential markets.
Task 4.3: Development and impact monitoring of an international network of suppliers, prescriptors and end-users.
Task 4.4: Exploitation and commercialisation plan and next steps to be implemented after the project.
Task 4.5: Communication strategy.
D.4.1: Standardised protocol for turn-key procedure for wingsail (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
D.4.2: Intermediate commercialisation plan (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
D.4.3: Communication plan (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
D.4.4: Final commercialisation plan, including communication activities (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
Description of the Work Package:
Task 5.1: Administrative and financial documentation management.
Task 5.2: Progress monitoring and validation of results.
Task 5.3: Innovation management.
D.5.1: Progress report (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
D.5.2: Interim report (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
D.5.3: Final report (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
D.5.4: Final business plan and route to investment (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)
Description of the Work Package:
Task 2.1: Wingsail monitoring and control system implementation.
Task 2.2: Wingsail system manufacture and product approval phase with Classification Society.
Task 2.3: Vessel reconversion (wingsail integration) and final approval by Spanish Authorities and Classification Society
D.2.1: Wingsail-assisted merchant vessel (Lead beneficiary: Astander)
D.2.2: Wingsail-assisted vessel operation manual (Lead beneficiary: bound4blue)